Data suggests that people with mental health challenges and substance services abuse are more likely to have suffered traumatic brain injuries as compared to the rest of the population. A recent study conducted by a postdoctoral nursing student found that approximately 25% of mental health and addiction service patients studied had also experienced traumatic brain injuries.
The Findings of the Study
The research team determined that traumatic brain injuries are associated with more significant substance abuse issues and other signs of mental health challenges. There may also be a link, the study posits, between traumatic brain injuries and aggression.
The Significance of This Research
This research is important due to the implications that it has for guidelines around screening for traumatic brain injuries as well as the substantial need to improve the awareness in the general population about the potential consequences of brain injuries. Many people in the medical industry have commented that individuals with traumatic brain injuries are often not comprehensively treated with an eye toward their mental health.
The nurse who led the study also commented that currently, medical professionals do not know enough about the needs of people with traumatic brain injuries who pursue mental health services. Additionally, medical professionals need to consider how people with brain injuries should be screened and how their injuries and symptoms can impact their psychological and emotional needs.
Part of what the research team behind this study examined was how other brain injury studies often fall short in gathering their data. For example, some research only measures head injuries associated with a loss of consciousness. However, brain injuries or concussions can occur without a person losing consciousness. In other studies, brain injuries may be overlooked or underreported among vulnerable groups, especially if previous medical documentation is utilized to establish a person’s medical history. This is why the nurse who led this research study recommends using a standard measurement tool to benefit all brain injury patients.
Brain Injuries and Age
The study reviewed brain injury history among a range of age groups. The research team determined that little research today is focused on traumatic brain injury history in patients and mental health usage among young adults and adolescents. Adolescents are at the highest risk of facing both mental health issues and head injuries/traumatic brain injuries.
Given the need for early intervention among young adults in mental health, it is critical to both understand and examine their traumatic brain injury history when creating a plan for comprehensive care.
Speak With an Experienced Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer
If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury and someone else is responsible, you should not hesitate to contact a compassionate attorney who will fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact House Law LLC today to schedule a free case evaluation.
Tags: brain injury, personal injury, traumatic brain injury
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