Understanding Liability After Vehicular Crashes Caused by the Rain

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Aaron House

Understanding Liability After Vehicular Crashes Caused by the Rain

Driving in the rain can prove deadly, particularly when other motorists fail to take adequate precautions to avoid an accident. When a collision or crash happens due to another driver’s fault in rainy conditions, you can pursue compensation for your injuries or other damages you face.

Of course, in Missouri, the state is classified as at-fault which means that you pursue compensation from the liable driver’s insurance carrier after a crash. Meanwhile, Kansas is a no-fault state, which means that motorists must pursue compensation under their policy after a crash regardless of who caused the accident. This article reviews the types of accidents that most often happen when it is raining and what various legal strategies you might have to pursue compensation.

Remember if you or a loved one was harmed as the result of someone else’s negligence during a rainy season, you should not hesitate to contact an attorney who will fight for the results you deserve.

Vehicular Crashes Caused by the Rain: Types of Accidents That are Most Common

One 2019 study revealed that deadly crashes are 34% more likely to happen during “precipitation events,” while 27% of accidents are more likely during light rain. One reason why accidents are more common during precipitation or drizzling is that people are frequently less cautious if the rain is only drizzling. Meanwhile, the roads are just as dangerous as ever.

When more substantial amounts of water have collected, hydroplaning is a much more common
type of accident. Hydroplaning is more likely to happen if either a motorist is speeding or has older tires with worn treads. Hydroplaning happens when too much water collects between the road and a vehicle’s tires, which in turn causes the tires to lose traction. This can then lead to the vehicle’s operator losing control of the car.

A third common way in which accidents occur during rainy times is the result of increased slickness on the road. Motorists who fail to adequately utilize sufficient precautions can end up losing control of their motor vehicle and end up colliding with another vehicle.

What Motorists Can Do to Avoid Rain-Related Crashes

Drivers can take some helpful steps to substantially reduce the possibility that they end up in accidents during the rain. Motorists in Kansas and Missouri should remember to operate their vehicles just as cautiously in the rain as they would if they were traveling through a blizzard. Slick roads lead to increased stopping times and the increased chance that a vehicle will go out of control. Tailgating during the rain is also a bad idea.

Vehicular Crashes Caused by the Rain: Speak With an Experienced Accident Attorney Today

If you or a loved one was injured in a crash in the rain in Missouri or Kansas, you may qualify for compensation for the damages that you end up facing. One of the best things that you can do in such a situation is contact an experienced attorney. Do not hesitate to schedule a free case evaluation with a lawyer at House Law LLC today for assistance.

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